Write your best grant proposal yet and build a grant writing system that sells your ideas with confidence and without burning out


Does any of this sound like you?

  • You know you should get some funding but you can never find the time while researching, writing papers, and supporting others... the right moment never seems to come.
  • You never had the need to get your own funding. You know it's important, but everything seems important!
  • You may have applied for some grants, but you never felt you had an innovative idea or enough experience, so you never tried the big calls.
  • You're tired of spending countless hours writing grant proposals that never seem to get approved. You know you're missing something but just don't know what!

If reading any of this made you think "how does she know?!", keep reading. You're not alone, and I have something for you!

You're a postdoc or have your own group...

Writing keeps being the most important task of your job. Only now the type of writing has changed. You know that at this stage of your career, writing grant proposals and review papers is a must.

But you cannot find the time to write among all the other responsibilities. You feel constantly juggling. The experiments. Teaching. Supervision... The messy middle.

You don't want to write in the weekend and evenings. Especially, when there is no guarantee that will be funded...

Imagine this...

You have a system to write your grant proposal. So you go and write it knowing what goes where.

You have peace of mind knowing that your ideas will get funded. Maybe not by this call. Maybe not in this round. But you know they will.

You know how to manage your time, energy and this project, so you don't sacrifice your nights and weekends.

It's time to write a project again. And you know all the steps you need to take to get the money!

The truth is, writing a successful grant proposal requires more than just technical writing skills

It requires the right mindset to sell your ideas and you as the ideal candidate.

It requires a project management approach to keep moving through the different phases while managing your time, energy, and the people that will help you

And it requires a deep understanding of what funding agencies are looking for.

Without this combination of skills, even the most talented scientists struggle to secure the funding they need to advance their work.

Many scientists like you face similar challenges in their careers, but fortunately, you don't need to do this alone. And that's why we've created...

The academic launchpad

Write your best grant proposal yet and build a grant writing system that sells your ideas with confidence and without burning out

Proudly trusted by scholars at

scientific writing guide
Mindful Scientific Writing


You'll have LIFETIME ACCESS access to our online platform where you can watch at your own pace the video lessons. These lessons are structured around 4 topics with several short video lessons of 10-20 min for easy watching. Each lesson includes points for you to take action: writing parts of your proposal, arranging work with collaborators, planning your time, or reflecting on the workbook. You'll also have access to extra resources, like examples of submitted proposals and evaluators' comments.

Here are some of the lessons inside each topic:


  • Why you and this idea
  • Goals and your BHAG
  • Changing the mindset around rejection & impostor syndrome


  • Your blue ocean
  • The three-keyword framework
  • Network and collaborators


  • Fundamentals of scientific writing
  • The different sections
  • Writing a Narrative CV


  • Storytelling in academic writing
  • Copywriting and voice of customer
  • Personal branding, marketing & sales

This is a UNIQUE curriculum that comes from merging:

⚡️ 15-year experience in research. Reviewing proposals, getting money from competitive calls (including a Marie Curie grant), and also writing and not getting it

⚡️ coaching experience of helping hundreds of scientists to focus and write. Mostly experimental papers, but also project proposals. From national funding such as the Dutch Vici program or UKRI funding to Marie Curie and ERC grants.

⚡️ 4-year business experience having to master skills in copywriting, storytelling, marketing and sales that I use daily in “I focus and write”. This will radically change how you write that proposal, where knowing how to sell yourself and your ideas is crucial

Plus, currently (not sure for how long!) once you join the Academic Launchpad, you get lifetime access to all of the program materials – which means you can revise the materials to write your next project.


The workshops and Q&A

During the 4 months of the program, on the first Thursday of each month we'll have a 1-hour group call via Zoom from 15.00-16.00 (Amsterdam time) where we'll do a specific workshop to help you implement key aspects of the program, answer any questions you have, and meet the other participants. These are the topics we'll cover:

1) Project management, where I'll give feedback about the struggles each participant has, and plan together the tasks, deadlines and people involved in writing this project.

2) Personal branding and social media plan, to develop your marketing plan so you can let the world know about your ideas and maximize the opportunities.

3) Common mistakes and design elements of your proposal, where we'll be doing live editing of some of the participants' material.

4) Goal-setting workshop, so you will finish the program by having clear goals and the steps to get there.

BONUS: Our co-working community

The main component is 2-hour sessions where we meet via Zoom in a group setting, and in silence, we work. There is a daily session (below you have a schedule), facilitated by me or one of our editors. And two non-facilitated.

We offer several sessions to offer several opportunities for you to join, but the most common is to join 2 per week (like the gym, don't think about all the classes you cannot attend, look at the ones you can go to!).

I'll facilitate one co-working session each week. At the end of the session, we have a group Q&A session for ca. 20 min.​

We'll also have 1 mentoring group call each month where we discuss the topics you raise. If you cannot attend this call, you can send me your questions in advance and you can watch later the replay video.

Last but not least, we'll also have a private Slack channel with all the students where you can share thoughts, ideas, or ask any question!

The courses of "I focus and write" keep bringing together a really nice community of scientists. From PhD candidates to Assistant Professors. And you'll be part of that community where you will not feel alone anymore in your struggles!

Desk inviting to focus and write with the word Sustain, for a more sustainable academic life

Here below you have a sample schedule. But for the updated version, you can have a look here. The indicated times are CET (Amsterdam), you can have a look at your time zone here. In JULY, AUGUST, and DECEMBER the sessions will be non-facilitated and do not count towards your 4 months of support. And you can join now and start the SUPPORT period whenever suits you best!


One of the characteristics of our programs is the PRIVATE SUPPORT you can get if you need it. We ONLY HAVE A FEW SPOTS available if you want the MEDIUM or VIP packages. This support happens in different ways:

1) 1-on1 private coaching with Ana.

These calls are to help you clarify your idea, define your strategy and discuss your progress on the proposal. You can schedule 4 private meetings of 20 min with me (1 x progress private chat per month), plus 2 strategy calls of 1 hour each.

2) Feedback on your writing

In the basic plan, one of our amazing editors, Dr. Judith Pell and Dr. Alison Haughton will revise once a month a small piece of text and discuss it with you (e.g. the abstract, the objective paragraph...). Then if you'd like a full revision of your proposal, we have two packages depending on the length of your proposal. Our editors have more than 15 years of experience as researchers and similar experience as editors!

3) Asynchronous private support

We also love to support you via email, slack either through text, voice or video on anything that has you blocked!

See what some of our past clients say...

To write a project like an ERC you need someone next to you who knows how to tell the story in a convincing way. Being an excellent scientist is not enough. I had the idea, but Ana’s help was invaluable in showcasing that idea. And at a personal level, the weekly coaching makes all the difference...from the moments of “I cannot continue”, to the moments of “Ana, I just had this crazy idea in my sleep”. If you still have doubts, ask her to show you any paragraph of my before and after 😂

Dr. Ainhoa Martinez-Medina

Group leader at IRNASA-CSIC (Spain)

Project: ERC consolidator

I participated in the first edition of the Academic Launchpad to write a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship. I found the course content very useful and the co-working sessions great. But for me, the best part was counting on Ana’s support (and Judy’s), always so positive and kind, always with encouraging words. As a result of her feedback, I was able to improve and polish my CV and proposal, as well as (perhaps more importantly) quiet my imposter syndrome.


Dr. Iria Sala

Postdoc Researcher at CSIC, Gijon.

Project: Marie Curie

Without the course, I wouldn't force myself to find the time to work on the project. But more importantly, after every lesson, I feel a boost of energy, motivation, and creativity. And in the next working session, I checked the slides again and they guide my work and help me keep focus

"I am really enjoying it and finding it useful! I know it is difficult with me on such a different time zone, and it is worse than taking part in the class live, but I find it really helpful the care you take in making sure I have time to speak with you!"

"I always struggle to talk about myself on the narrative CV. After having my narrative CV revised by Ana, I noticed an improvement in the coherence of the text and felt better about it. Getting feedback from somebody I trust was a great help!"

"I've noticed a significant improvement in my writing. Now I'm more conscious of the writing process and of how to sell my idea better. Plus I've advanced positively from the detachment of my bosses"

Enrolment options


3000 €


Choose this option for a full revision of up to 10000 words (e.g. Marie Curie, B1 of an ERC, NWO project):

✨ Lifetime access to the complete Curriculum

✨ 4 months of support via email and voice messages

✨ 4 workshops & group Q&A

✨ 1 x revision of your proposal (up to 10000 words, for example, a B1 in ERC) by one of our amazing editors

✨ 4 private feedback chats with your editor (20 min each)

✨ 3 x Private 1-on-1 strategy calls with Ana (1h call)

✨ BONUS: 4 months of daily co-working sessions, mentoring with me in group calls & an amazing community in Slack

We can only do a small number of revisions. Send me a WhatsApp and we can chat!


4000 €


Choose this option for a full revision of up to 20000 words (e.g. Full ERC, EU project):

✨ Same content included in the medium, but instead with:

✨ 1 x revision of your proposal (up to 20000 words, for example B1 and B2) by one of our amazing editors

8 private feedback chats with your editor (20 min each)

We can only do a small number of revisions. Send me a WhatsApp and we can chat!

Do you want extra support?

We can also customize the program for you by adding extra coaching sessions and revisions of your text. Some of our clients have done that with weekly or biweekly sessions. If you'd like that, let me know when you message me and we can customize the package!

Do you want to have a look at the behind-the-scenes of The Academic Launchpad?

Here you have a video to see how the online platform looks like!

Want to chat?

If you're like "Yes, I want this!", but you still have questions and would like to chat, please send me a private message (audio works well too!). Since my emails keep being sent to the spam, I ask you to do so ideally via WhatsApp. Then we can assess if indeed we can help with your goals, and we'll complete the registration.

Please click on the button below to start our conversation via WhatsApp about the The Academic Launchpad 🎊

Here more nice words from our clients!

Writing this vici with Ana has been a unique experience, plus a fun one! Having a plan to follow, sending pieces of text, getting hers and Judy's feedback, and then discussing kept me on track in the busy schedule of being an associate professor. And I was surprised that even after so many years in research I learned new things about writing!

Dr. Nina Fatouros

Associate Professor at Wageningen University (website)

Project: VICI

I didn't know what I was getting into when I decided to write an ERC consolidator grant. The help of Ana has been key in keeping me motivated and accountable, and so I've managed to advance section by section. This is an aspect of writing big projects, that I don't know how people do without a coach!


Dr. Javier Gonzalez

Group leader at IRNASA (CSIC)

Project: ERC consolidator

Why you’ll love working with me? 

Hey, I’m Ana, and…

I'm the founder of "I focus and write", where we help scientists to focus and write with a mindful approach. One that got us published in Nature here and here. Since 2020 we've worked with hundreds of scientists at different stages in their careers. And since the beginning, they've asked me to create this program to write project proposals.

The Academic Launchpad is born from my more than 15 years of research, mostly working in Wageningen (The Netherlands). Born from writing and getting funding from different sources (including Marie Curie). And from building this business!

But also born from the struggles. The feelings of not being good enough to get some grants. The rejections when they didn´t work. And not being able of making time while having a life, and two small kids.

Now it's your turn to learn!

Mindful Scientific Writing
Mindful Scientific Writing

For who is this course?

The Academic Launchpad is our more advanced program to write a project proposal with confidence that they're on the right track. It's specially designed for:

  • Postdocs and scientists with their own group (assistant/associate professor level).
  • Scientists that want to apply to a medium-big call. These are some examples of calls I have experience with, either for myself or as a coach for others: Marie Curie, ERC starting grant, ERC consolidator grant, and national funding from The Netherlands (Veni-Vidi-Vici) and Spain.
  • Scientists with an affinity to the vision of "I focus and write". Mindful scientists who are ambitious, want to reach their research goals AND also want to have a private life where there is time and energy for rest, fun, and happiness!

But to be honest, this program is probably not for you if you’re searching for:

  • Weekly feedback on your writing. I do my best to support you whenever you need help. But please note that this is a program with a medium level of support. If you'd like a coaching package with weekly revision of your writing and progress, let me know, I may have a few spots for that! Just message me.
  • A grant writer. This is a program where YOU'll learn to write your grants and projects. We will not write those for you. That's not a service we offer in "I focus and write".
  • A 100% guarantee that your project will be funded. Nobody can guarantee that, and I'd like to make it clear here too!
Mindful Scientific Writing



Yes! The rejection rate in grants is high. But when that happens, the same proposal can be submitted with minor changes to different calls. Although I cannot guarantee results, I'm confident that the ideas you'll develop first, and then write inside this program, will eventually get funded. If you doubt it, then don't join the program.


The principles of the course apply to any research field, similar to what happens to most scientific writing books. The specific examples I show are mainly from my research field (Ecology, Entomology, Plant Sciences, Agriculture). But you could find those examples in proposals from your field. In addition to researchers from my topic, some of our students work on Marine Biology, Cancer Research, or Law.


Absolutely! Some of my clients have found part of the content completely new and that their proposals have become better after implementing what they learned. The program has also extra benefits when you choose the versions with support: 1) accountability and support to keep advancing; 2) continuous feedback on your writing that you may not receive from anyone once you're more advanced in your career.


No. Due to the limited spots in the course, I cannot offer a refund. If you are doubting whether joining or not, please send me a message explaining your situation. I’ll do my best to help you make a decision!


During the PhD, the main goal should be to finish it as timely as possible. If you feel you have that goal under control and would like to start writing a postdoc project, submit the application and I will assess if we can help you.


You’ll need to check this with your supervisor (plus probably some sort of approval to take a course during your working hours). In my experience, you may get a full or partial funding for this type of courses, but that's out of my control ;)   

Do you have a question that is not answered here? Or would you like to discuss you situation? Just message me at some of the buttons above!

Want to chat?

If you're like "Yes, I want this!", but you still have questions and would like to chat, please send me a private message (audio works well too!). Since my emails keep being sent to the spam, I ask you to do so ideally via WhatsApp. Then we can assess if indeed we can help with your goals, and we'll complete the registration.

Please click on the button below to start our conversation via WhatsApp about the The Academic Launchpad 🎊

The academic launchpad

A 4-month coaching program to help you write a project proposal, with motivation to do it and confidence that sooner or later will work out

scientific writing guide